Om tat sat shri, Naarayan tu Purushotama Guru tu..
Siddha Buddha tu,Skanda Vinaayaka Savithaa Paavak tu..
Brahma mazda tu,Yashwa Shakthi tu Yeshu Pita prabhu tu..
Rudra Vishnu tu, Raama Krishna tu Raheema tha o tu..
Vasudeva tu Vishwa roopa tu Chidaananda Hari tu..
Adwitheeya tu , Akaala Nirbhaya Aatma linga Shiva tu..
Om tat sat shri, Naarayan tu Purushotama Guru tu..
BGS National Public school We make a pledge to the Service as our guideline Serve humanity.
Loyalty as our code Peace amongst our people Pen against the sword.
BGS National Public school, School of our joy and pride School of our joy and school of our heart School that’s gold inside.
BGS National Public School, School where students stride Onto fame and glory In the world outside.
BGS National Public School, School of our joy and pride School of our youth and school of our heart School that’s gold inside.
India is my country, all Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat every one with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness. JAI HIND