BGS National Public School (BGSNPS) is founded by Pontiff His Divine Soul Jagadguru Padmabhushan Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadaranatha Maha Swamiji of Adhichunchanagiri Math, who over the past has strived hard to promote educational institutions of international stature. Sri Adhichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust is running over 500 educational units across India including Medical and Engineering colleges. BGS National Public School affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No. 830209) is one of the units of Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust, Bangalore, Karnataka located in Hulimavu, Bannerghatta Road. It started functioning from 22nd June 2006 and has classes up to 12 Std.

The PEACOCK, the TRISHUL and the SUN are the symbols in the design of the Logo which in unity, symbolizes strength and gentleness, pride and humility and the sustenance of life and growth. The PEACOCK with its plumage of vibrant and deep shades of LORD Krishna’s rich greenish-blue expresses space and endless opportunities. The diversity of colors meshed together in its beautiful feathers denote the diversity of the Nation living in harmonious co-existence.
The splendid feathers lie in its tail with “eye like” spots conveying its vigilance and alertness in the true pursuit of learning. The plumes on its head are symbolic of the high ambitions, aspirations and achievements of humanity.
The TRISHUL is the symbol of good overcoming evil and in the hands of the peacock articulates gentleness with the strength of character to use, if necessary, force for its freedom. The three prongs of the trident are a symbolic representation of our culture illustrating the potential of creation, protection and destruction inherent in the forces of power and expressed in Hindu Mythology which is reflected time and again in the saga of mankind.
The eternal SUN is the center of our Solar System – providing inexhaustible cosmic energy to the world. Its system in outer space is the embodiment of precision and the infinite exploration of knowledge and the perpetual quest for the theory of the universe. Its illuminating glow conveys the dispelling of the forces of darkness and symbolizes the fountainhead of new and enduring life and the enlightenment of the human intellect.
The design of the logo describes quintessentially – in the myriad colors of the PEACOCK, the TRISHUL, ancient weapons of the Gods and the eternal SUN – the Indian ethos blending together its traditions, culture, ideologies and philosophies.
Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Maha Swamiji, President, Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust (R)

Sri Sri Sri Nirmalanandanatha Swamiji is the head of Adichunchanagiri Math. Swamiji was born in a village called Cheernahalli in Gubbi taluk of Tumkur district. After doing his Diploma at Government Polytechnic College (Tumkur), he did BE in Civil Engineering at National Institute of Engineering Mysore and M.Tech in Structural Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He was selected as a scientist at Central Water and Power Research Station Poona. He instead volunteered to teach at a blind school in Ramanagar district. In 1998 he renounced worldly life and became a Swamiji. Balagangadharanatha Swamiji appointed him as the head of the Adichunchanagiri Shaka (branch) Math at Chikkaballapur. The successor of Natha Parampara along the lineage of Sri Bhaktanatha Mahaswamiji, Sri Chandrashekaranatha Mahaswamiji, Sri Ramanandanatha Mahaswamiji and Sri Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji with an historical tradition of 1800 yrs is the present illumined seer Sri Sri Sri Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, heading the Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthana as its 72nd pontiff . He follows the footsteps outlined by his predecessor with awe and envisions for continuing the good works carried out by Math and expanding the same to benefit the global masses. Mahaswamiji strongly believes that India is a rich Nation with abundant resources. He aspires to extract and efficiently utilize these resources so as to contribute for the development of the Nation. Having a scientific background and mastery over traditional knowledge, the Mahasamasthana acts as an advantage to combine Technology and Philosophy to come out with a new outlook towards life which is progressive, far sighted, humane, realistic, long-lasting and practical. Under his enthusiastic leadership and dedicated service Spiritual foretellers and seekers predict the Mahasamasthana to reach greater magnificence and splendour
His Holiness is actively involved in counseling activities and guide the ones who have a strayed and beguiled from the righteous path. He is the ideal example for present day youth who try to mimic the shallow western culture disregarding our rich values, as a influence of modern education. In addition to advocating the Jnana and Karma path of Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji he fervently believes in integral development through adherence to Raja yoga, the path advocated by Swami Vivekananda.
We the members of BGS NPS are always grateful to Mahaswamiji for his guidance and blessings.
Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji, Managing Director of BGS / SJB Institutions and Hospitals

Sri Sri Prakashnath Swamiji focussed on developing the infrastructure of the education system. He realised that dedicated teachers and Management is the back bone of any school. He built schools that catered to all sections of the society,
BGS International Residential School, which is on par with any International School with IGCSE and IG syllabi. It has state-of-the–art Swimming pool, a cricket stadium, a basketball court, horse riding, an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1500, and a hostel facility with caring and alert wardens. He continuously met with educators and academicians to provide the best education.
Soon this institution developed sister Institutions, BGS International Public School, Dwaraka, Delhi, BGS National Public School, Hulimavu, Bangalore and BGS Public School, Kengeri which are affiliated to CBSE. He visits these schools often and has one-to-one interaction with the students and staff, feeling the pulse of the stake holders. He has the best leaders to guide them in the form of Principals, Deans, HoDs in the field of education. These Academic Leaders are dedicated and are in resonance with the vision of Swamiji- to provide the best facilities for the students and to impart an education that will enrich the society and make our country the greatest power in the world.
To curtail the exodus of students to foreign countries he believes that you have to provide the best infrastructure and education to the students. Hence he conceptualised the birth of the Engineering College- SJB Institute of Technology which has a strong Research and Development wing. The College also has tie ups with the top companies for placements, providing a secure future for their students.
Swamiji also understood the need for a good Health Care unit and hence took shape the Medical College at BGS Global institute of Medical Sciences and Hospitals which has the world class General Hospital attached to it, to provide vigorous training for these medical students.
How can other branches of Education be left behind? The BGS Health and Education City houses the following colleges
SJB Institute of Technology,
SJB Global Institute of Medical Sciences
BGS Public School
BGS national Public School, Hulimavu
BGS National Public School, Sakalavara
SJB School of Architecture and Planning
SJB College of Nursing
SJB College of Management Studies
SJB College of Education
The latest feather in the cap, is the SJB Institute of Fashion Technology that was inaugurated on 8th February 2020.
BGS Knowledge City is situated at Kumbalgode.
Under this banner following institutions are functioning
BGS International Residential School,
BGS School of Architecture and Planning
Thus Jagathguru’s dream of providing the best education to our students so that they do not fly away to foreign countries is on the verge of reality. Prakashnatha Swamiji visits these Institutions regularly to oversee the smooth functioning of the institutions and that the best education is imparted.
What made Swamiji to step into the field of education and health care? Once when he was travelling the villages of Mandya, he interacted with the children of the farmers who did not go to school and were working on the fields. After interacting with them, he realized that they did not have a school close by and the private schools were out of reach for them financially. These children showed a thirst for knowledge, and were enthusiastic to learn. He realized that there were so many children in India who did not have access to basic education. Thus the determination to provide the best education at affordable cost, motivated Swamiji to start the schools and Colleges that cater to the needs of the students.
Swamiji believes that charity begins at home. He encourages various programmes like ‘Joy of Giving’, Thanksgiving Day for the drivers and helpers etc. He is very generous when it comes to awarding scholarships for the students.
Various scholarships in School and college levels are awarded to students who are deserving. Swamiji does not only encourage toppers in academics but he is also a keen sports enthusiast. Every year he awards cash prizes to outstanding sports participants. Being a member of the KSCA, he encourages students to participate in all events. Every year they conduct BGS Sports Meet which oversees the students of Schools and Colleges competing in various sports events ranging from Cricket to Basketball to athletics. He is an avid Golfer himself and has won prizes in many tournaments.
Swamiji believes in holistic development. It is not just academics or sports. He is an ardent follower of music and organises inter school and College dance competitions and Music competitions and is very generous in awarding the winners. Thus he provides a platform to showcase the talents of the children. He is always present for all the functions of the schools and colleges and takes great pride in the achievements of his students.
And to achieve all this, he needs a dedicated staff who will motivate and guide the students. So how does Swamiji motivate these teachers and facilitators? By giving away ‘BGS Seva Ratna’ Award every year for teaching and Admin staff. He honours them on special occasions and presents them with cash awards.
The best motivation, be it a student or a faculty is appreciation. Nothing works better than appreciating a person in front of others. So performance-based incentives are awarded to staff in appreciation of their hard work and dedication. He is a pillar of support and is readily available and always gives a caring ear to the staff and students.
According to Swamiji, for the progress of our country, we have to strengthen the research and Development infrastructure. He also believes that entrepreneurship is the way to prosperity of the country. So education should focus on these issues. We have to do away with rote learning and exam-based learning. We should inculcate the thirst for knowledge in our students. We should ingrain application based learning and focus on tempering the youth towards patriotism. Values and life skills should be the guiding values and it should be mirrored in our educators.
Our country has rich history of bravery, honesty, patriotism, compassion, unity and oneness. We have to highlight these values and it should be indoctrined in the students so that they will bring about a change in the society. They should be able to stand up for their rights and also see the goodness in everyone. There should be no barriers based on caste, or religion. It should be ‘One India, one people’.
We need good leaders who will be able to carry people along with them. We need leaders who will be ready to work with the people. This can be achieved by training students from the school level. Give them opportunities to bring out their leadership skills and help them hone those skills. For this, he heavily relies on the teachers of the schools as they are able to identify these children and help them and guide them to shoulder the responsibilities. They have to work towards building a better environment and protect Mother Nature. He has planted more than a million trees which will surely help in securing the future of the world.
God helps those who help themselves. Educators have to bring in these changes. As Swamiji believes that it is research and Development that is going to lead the way, he expects that more funding should happen to develop the infrastructure. “Made in India” should be imbibed in every Indian. And this should happen at the school level. Already the Government is working towards that and has introduced the ATAL Labs and Workshops which helps in identifying the spark in children for inventing new things.
Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji has been conferred:-
International award for excellence in Entrepreneurship- Medical Education, Crown Plaza Dubai
Life Time Achievement Award from Bangalore Management Association.
Sagar Award 2018 from Dayananda Sagar Prathishtana,Bangalore
He was conferred the Honorary Doctorate by the University of South America for his contribution in the field of Education and Medical Sciences.
“Leading Icon in Education 2020” award was received from Education Today.
Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnath Swamiji is loved and revered for his brotherhood, simplicity and graciousness. He is an excellent administrator who is able to hold all the Institutions together. He is continuing to walk in the footsteps of his Mentor, His Guiding Light- Padmabhushana Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji. He continues to spear-head the working of the mutt that – Anna, Akshara Aaroghya and Parisara are the four main pillars of the society on which is built the development of the country.
He is the Prakashjyothi of the common people.